Sunday, June 20, 2010

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

I'm a 20 year old guy with curly hair medium/long lenght, i have had the same hairstyle for 4 years and i think its time to change it but i'm afraid that i will look awful i dont even remember myself with short hairs! :( pls help thnx :)

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

YES DO IT! I was the same way about my hair, I was scared, but just ask your hairdresser to 'style it' for you, and they will make sure you look good! It's always nice to treat yourself to a change. You'll feel better about yourself too.

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?


Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

Go ahead... you need the change. I am sure you will feel different for a while but you will get used to it. Good luck

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

You will look just fine with short hair.Remember you are young and beautiful at 20.

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

yes you should cut it

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

Just do it! we all need change sometime!

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

get it short, but not too short. if you've had the same hairstyle for 4 years it's definitely time for a change.

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

Yes short is in, really looks nice, maybe2in. or less. You won't regret it.

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

What you might want to do is cut atleast an inch off of your head so you can get use to it and if you like it then go ahead and cut 3 more inches off

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

maybe dont cut it all off but get a style go though some style mags and see what styles you like... there are so many different styles now there one thats gonna suit you. just take the chance you might really like it...good luck

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

maybe you should get alittle at a time cut off and see how you like it .. then if you don't like it alittle short you still have some hair and it's alway's good to try something knew so i say go for it alittle at a time.

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

go 4 it watch evry1 is going 2 be like u look u prety wow so different and niceeeeeeeeee

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

definitely...everyone needs a little change..

BUT..if you are worried...get it cut just a few inches at a time, so you dont have to be afraid of it being cut too short! ;)

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

everyone needs and Chang's

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

Definitely...bring a picture of the style you want with you to the salon. DO NOT cut it yourself. Perm it straight if you must. Get rid of the Curly. Trust the professionals and you won't be dissappointed.

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

no leave it it would look fine!!

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?


Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

(David Crosby)

[Instrumental Intro. (Electric Guitar and Organ)]

Almost, ....... cut my hair, ......


Happened just the other day, ....

It's gettin' kind of long....

I could've said it was in my way


But I didn't, and I wonder why, ... .... ..

I feel like, .... letting my freak flag fly ......

And I feel, ........ like I owe it, yeah .....

to someone,


Well, .. must be because I had the flu, ... this Christmas

and I'm not feeling up to par........


Oh, I tell you baby this increases my paranoia....

Yeah, like looking in my mirror and seeing a police car.....

Well, well, I'm not,

I'm not giving in an inch to fear......

Well, you know I've promised myself this year....

Well, I feel, .... oh, like I owe it, I owe, I owe it to someone .. ... ...... Oh ... like I owe it to someone

[Instrumental (Electric Guitar)]

Oh, yes when I get myself together, ..

Yeah, you can find me in that sunny southern weather, yeah

I'm goin' to find a space inside a laugh, yes

Separate the wheat from some chaff

Oh, and I feel ...

Like I owe it, yeah ... to someone

[Ending (Electric Guitars)]

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

Did you know that there are organizations that would love to have your locks? Talk to a hairdresser, and see what the requirements are...I have several friends that do it for the good of the people...

I looked one up for you...

Locks of Love "is a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children 18 years and younger suffering from long-term medical hair loss." If you're interested in donating your hair for this worthy cause, here are the guidelines:

1. We accept 10" minimum hair length (tip to tip), not wigs, falls, or synthetic hair

2. Please bundle hair in ponytail or braid.

3. Hair needs to be clean, dry, placed in a plastic bag, then padded envelope.

4. We need hair from men and women, young and old, all colors and races.

5. Hair may be colored or permed, but not bleached or chemically damaged (if unsure, ask your stylist).

6. Hair swept off the floor is not usable.

7. Hair cut years ago is usable if it has been stored in a ponytail or braid.

8. Hair that is short, gray, or unsuitable for children will be separated from the ponytails and sold at fair market value to offset the cost of manufacturing.

9. You may pull curly hair straight to measure the minimum 10".

10. The majority of all hair donated comes from children who wish to help other children.

11. Layered hair may be divided into multiple ponytails for donation.

12. Please note: Anyone can cut your hair as long as the above guidelines are followed.

Remember, it's just hair. Yours will grow back. If your don't want to cut your hair or don't have enough hair to cut, you may want to volunteer or make a financial contribution.

Two more things:

* I wrote Locks of Love to ask if they accept hair donations from people with kinky hair so that black children who want to wear natural hair styles have the option to do so. I did not receive a response, but if anyone has information on natural hair wigs for children, please leave a comment.

* Given that treatment for blood cell cancers (leukemia, lymphoma, etc.) causes many, many children to lose their hair, please consider joining the bone marrow registry so that you can help cure these diseases and save a life.

So comb your hair, braid it up, and go get the scissors. A child will thank you.

Shall i cut my hair??? help!?

well i think u should decided if u r comfortable with what u have now then keep it if u really think u need a change then go for it.

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