I'm going back to school in a few days and as my hair dresser has banned me from using my straighteners as it is ruining my hair, i need to make my hair look nice and as it is really wavy naturally i cant leave it down. Does anyone know any hair styles i could do that would look good on medium/long hair?
Wash your hair the night before and tightly wrap your hair in a towel. When your hair is almost compelety dry use a blow dryer on a light heat setting and a straightening brush. After it's dry use an ace bandage to tightly wrap your hair in a pony. The next morning your will have little to do to your hair and you can wear it down.
Your hair sounds really pretty just put a headband on it ......girl i would die if i got banned from teh straighter cuz my hair is a hot mess...i mean u really wouldnt understand.....
just tie it back and let the curls do their own thing . you will really look attractive with bouncy hair ,believe me you would hate to have thin straight hair
I have had good luck with a product called CATWALK curls rock or even "curls up" which is in a yellow bottle, you can buy both at many stores, maybe even Safeway?
have you tried a CHI straightener? I have been using for a long time, it hasn't done anything to my hair damage wise.
i would use some mousse or gel to emphasize the waves you have and make them look nice and not frizzy and I think it would be cute. wear a thick headband or get some cute barettes
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