Sunday, November 29, 2009

New hairstyles for school?

my longest hair goes a little below the chin, but then short layers expecially in the back, im sick of it down or in a head band... what else could i do?

New hairstyles for school?

gel it around, spike it a bit.

brush it lots so it'll be long enough to put up. or get some bangs and pin them straight up.

New hairstyles for school?

Let it grow you are already using a head band, your hair is a gift from God it is your glory, God bless you Your sister in Jesus Christ..

New hairstyles for school?

maybe put some cool clips or something in it. thats what short haired people do at my school.

1 comment:

  1. my hair is long but i never know what to do and if i do some thing nice to my hair is usually gets messed up and i look really weird so i dont know what to do to my hair??

